Bill Genie performs “magic” on your bottom line, making extraneous costs and fees disappear. Our telecom expense management software, Bill Genie works to proactively reduce your costs. Bill Genie offers comprehensive telecom expense management solutions that are then elevated by the input of our experienced telecom consulting team. With Bill Genie, you can expect:
CFO Bill Genie controls spend levels to impact your bottom line.
CIO Bill Genie provides timely and accurate reporting, and centralizes all contracts.
Controller/AP Bill Genie automates ledger coding, current and historical data for budget, access to how bills are paid and disputed, and reconciliation.
IT Director/Telecom Mgr Bill Genie tracks billing claims electronically, enables view of each invoice from the inbox to the paybox, provides inventory control for equipment and services, and access to web-based bills within 48 hours of receipt from the telecom vendor.
The true brilliance of Bill Genie is the tremendous amount of money it can save your company. Bill Genie is designed to automatically maximize your savings and minimize your costs. It is a well known telecom management industry fact that uncovering a billing error is only 20% of the work. The other 80% of the work goes into chasing down every penny from vendors, fixing it, and proving it has been reconciled. We put focus and effort into both. Our telecom consulting and telecom expense management services are extraordinarily effective and contingency based.
Contact GSI for a complimentary consultation…