Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Hold Your Wireless Carrier Accountable

You probably spend thousands a month with your wireless carrier. You know the importance of reliable wireless service for your business and are willing to pay for it. Still, it is critical to hold your wireless carrier accountable. Don't assume they are providing you with the best services or the most favorable pricing. 

Here are 5 Questions for Your Wireless Carrier:

1. Can you explain all the surcharges on our billing?
2. Are you analyzing our usage to ensure we are on the right plans?
3. How are we being charged for data usage?
4. Is there any flexibility for changes to our service plans?
5. If billing errors are found, will we be refunded?

Beyond asking questions, it is good to have a professional on your side. A full wireless telecom audit can possibly save you hundreds, even thousands, of dollars a month. It is crucial to root our billing errors, improper plans and poor contracts quickly. 

Contact Global Solutions Inc for a complimentary consultation…