Thursday, June 20, 2013

What’s Included In An Audit Of Invoices? | Telecom Audit

GSI will include any expenses in telecom & wireless in our telecom audit. These often include: local service, data networks (MPLS, wide area, and DSL), long distance, wireless (cell phones, smartphones, & data cards), conferencing, and phone maintenance fees.

Following a kickoff call and collection of bills and contracts, GSI will have initial audit savings and refund opportunities within the first 30 days of the project for most enterprise audits. The next 30 days include implementing any approved client savings directly with the vendors by GSI. We will then validate all approved savings prior to being compensated from new vendor invoices. This is a competitive advantage.

Our Telecom Analysts have extensive experience in working with the myriad of phone bills, formats, and vaguely discernible charges on telephone invoices. A comprehensive audit includes all services with all vendors and will focus on invoice accuracy, contract compliance by the carriers, and comparison to current marketplace pricing. Telecommunication costs are fast becoming one of the largest expenses and most complex areas to challenge management for companies today. Click here to learn more about our telecom audits and how we can help.

Contact GSI for a complimentary TEM consultation…